
Tuesday 3 April 2012

All Set Up

That's everything all set up - This Blog,
New facebook account -
New facebook group -
New Twitter -!/TaintedTortured

I'm still not sure how I feel about doing this as I feel worried that people will know it's me and the I won't be able to be truthful about EVERY aspect of my life as I won't want to offend or any confrontation.  I should be able to do this though - for myself and screw what anyone else thinks.  Just still feeling very unsure as it is nearly impossible to be totally anonymous these days.

Just now my heart feels heavy and I feel very anxious which I know I shouldn't be, Maybe it is just writing it all down it then becomes public knowledge.  My thoughts, my feelings - but the full point was to try and help myself and others.  I just don't know - in a way I also feel that no-one will follow this or join my group, twitter ect.  I can't decide whether that is low self esteem or the fact that I wonder why anyone would even be interested in anything I have to say.

I have said for so long that I needed to do this though, even just for myself to look back on and track my feelings and illnesses and memories.

But as much as I fear people reading what is basically my diary, on the other hand feedback and even advice would be good

Feeling unsure and confused Arrrgh

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are doing graet and your blog is so honest it's so calming to read. Also you listened to your intuition re; your blog ( good for you girl) I understand your anxiety when writing your blog from the heart to remain anonomous, but if some-one happened to recognise it was YOU is that so bad?? Your doing so good for yourself and for others....keep it up :)xx healingthe pain


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